CLICK HERE to familiarize yourself with the health and safety changes we are making to be compliant with CDC guidelines & local municipal rules in regions that have re-opened

Good Morning everyone.

Last night the Governor of California; Gavin Newsom, issued executive order N-33-20 : &

This is a legal order to cease and desist all non-essential business and non-essential travel due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic. For us this means that all KlubThirty3 / #ASPHYX3A / #SOL3MAT3S regional events across the U.S. & internationally are suspended until further notice.

All current 2020 members will have their memberships extended for as long as this pandemic lasts.

Any member / non-member who has purchased party-passes to our events are eligible to have their party-passes rolled-over and if they chose to roll-over they will be granted a 2nd free party-pass. If you prefer a refund we will need you to email us your name, last name, and email address and complete shipping address so that we may ship a money order to you as our payment processor doesn’t do refunds.

As a reminder, memberships are and have always been non-refundable. Again, don’t worry about your membership status, its secure and will be extended for as long as this COVID-19 pandemic lasts.

As of today, all ticketing / party-passes will be suspended. However, all membership options will remain available on a very limited basis so get them while they last and remember that as soon as we are back in business after this pandemic; you’ll be able to attend our events. Those of you who get the memberships will still be entitled to your free first event that is part of the membership package and as soon as we can start up our events, you’ll be able to attend any regional event that Renée and I personally host for free.

Once we are back to conducting business, we will be implementing heightened security measures for obvious reasons. Expect to be thermal scanned with forehead thermometers before entry to ensure that all members / guests, staff and models don’t have a fever of 100.4 Fahrenheit, anyone who does have a 100.4 degrees or higher will not be admitted into our events, no exceptions. Resorts in Nevada are already doing this to ensure that no sick guests enter their resorts. Expect to also sign medical waivers as part of the consent forms everyone already signs upon entry to our events. And depending on the shortage of paper products you may need to provide your own paper-towels and possibly your own food and beverages if we experience food and beverage shortages and are unable to provide food, water and other supplies we normally provide during our events.

We encourage all of our guests / members, live-action models and staff to practice the following:

1. Get in the habit of covering your mouth anytime you cough or sneeze; preferably with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

2. Wash your hands often with soap and water.

3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

4. Don’t share food or drinks

5. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. And try to not visit hospitals, retirement homes, asylums, jails / prisons and other types of detention centers.

6. Socially distance yourself from our events and venues when you are sick or if any immediate family members or roommates are also sick as some people may be carriers of viruses even if they do not exhibit any symptoms. Just being around a sick person is all it takes to transmit germs.

If you are looking for a medical / laboratory grade personal cleanser, we highly recommend Z-Tek ( which are non-nano, hypo-allergenic, non-alcohol, colloidal silver based skin purifiers that are of the most supreme quality that currently on the market as a supplemental addition to what you may already use for hygienic purposes. Renée and I have been using Z-Tek for many years and the models will recall that we provided samples of Z-Tek in your swag bags during the 2020 #SOL3MAT3awards in Los Angeles.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this difficult time. As individuals we can all do our part to eliminate this pandemic from the global population so that we can all get back to business and life in general.

 Best regards,

 Russell Peter | Klub Thirty3™ -Chief of Staff / Sergeant at Arms & Co-Founder

Corona Virus / COVID-19 update

As of June 15, 2021 the Governor of the state of California ordered the reopening of all businesses.

For the foreseeable future; we will only reopen our FootJob-Friday & #SOL3MAT3S regional events

in regions that are allowed to reopen. KlubThirty3 lifestyle events will remain a "MEMBERS ONLY"

and will no longer admit non-members into our events, regardless of region.

1. Currently we are only permitted to admit a limited number of members only and live-action models to work the #SOL3MAT3S regional events in the states that have re-opened. The occupancy limits may change per local rules and will be updated by region.

2. Session Cash may not be directly handed to the models if either party is not fully inoculated against the corona virus / covid19. Cash is to be set down for the #SOL3SIST3R to pick up if either of the two is not fully inoculated. We encourage live-action models and members to use cash app, apple pay or other payment apps for folks who wish to use contact-less payment as a health and safety precaution.

3. Alcohol based sanitizers and witch hazel will be readily available throughout the venues, please use the sanitizer first on your skin / feet and second use the witch hazel on your feet after the sanitizer dries on your skin to ensure that all bacteria / viruses are eliminated after every session.

4. Only 1 on 1 sessions are permitted. Double, triple or any groups sessions are strictly forbidden while covid19 remains in pandemic status.

5. Security and staff will ensure that only members are admitted into our events -NO EXCEPTIONS

6. All guests / members, models, and staff will need to sign releases / medical waivers assuming the risks the corona virus / covid19 pandemic poses to the general public -NO EXCEPTIONS If any person refuses to fill out, sign / date the release / medical waiver those persons will not receive a refund nor will they be granted entry into the event. Extra licensed security and staff will be on hand to escort any trouble makers off premises. Anyone who causes any trouble / drama or refuses to sign the required paperwork will be have their membership revoked and will be black listed from attending future events in perpetuity. -A ZERO TOLERANCE policy for non-compliance will be in effect.

7. Face coverings / masks are mandatory upon entry to the venue and during sign-in for any persons who are NOT FULLY inoculated against the corona virus / covid19 . Persons who are not fully inoculated must wear masks throughout the venues, around the food, restrooms and common areas for all guests / members when not in session.

8. Staff and live-action models who are not fully inoculated must wear face coverings throughout the venues, around the food, restrooms and common areas for all guests / members.

9. Any persons who are not fully inoculated must meet the 6 feet of separation per CDC guidelines. Members / Guests who are not fully inoculated against the corona virus / covid19 may only wait for sessions in the lobby / lounge areas not in the vicinity of the food, hallways, common areas or in or near the restrooms.

10. In our “Members Only" regions run by our franchisees; a QR-Code will be used to coordinate sessions between the #SOL3SIST3RS (live-action modes) and members (guests). Additionally use of payment apps will need to be used when paying for sessions to keep payments between models and members "cashless" +only a certain number of active sessions will be allowed per the square footage separation rules currently mandated in certain states we have a presence in. 

11. Currently there will be no self-serve / buffet style food. Only individually wrapped snacks and individual cups for water  +individual juice packs will be provided. Per local rules in most states that have re-opened bringing your own food and drinks is not permitted. For the time being at #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 events, bringing outside food and drinks will remain strictly forbidden

Take personal responsibility and do not attend our events if you have any illnesses or if you simply feel under the weather!

Corona Virus / COVID-19 update

To do our part in slowing the spread of the Corona Virus / COVID-19; as the regions we do business in begin to re-open, we will only organize / host #SOL3MAT3S, VFP / FJF & W3W3 events. Because Foot-Fetish events require minimal contact and the sessions require the participants faces to be further away compared to other types of kink-fetish sessions. When we began to brainstorm and discuss our options with our legal counsel and our members who are medical doctors it became abundantly clear that we only had the Foot-Fetish option if we decide to reopen in a minimal capacity. For the foreseeable future all Klub Thirty3 themed AKF events in addition to our TR, CBT, WOW, OPP, & #ASPHYX3A events are suspended.

The only events we will be hosting while adhering to heightened health and safety protocols will be #SOL3MAT3S, Violated Feet Party, and FootJob-Friday events. Furthermore, every event we host will be strictly “MEMBERS ONLY”, no exceptions and we will not allow for same-day door-pay guests (members or non-members). All party-passes must be purchased contactless through our web based / electronic options, no exceptions. Per local municipal rules and CDC guidelines we are limiting the number of guests and live-action models that will be attending our events to comply with the new occupancy limitations imposed by local municipalities (states, counties, and cities). Among other changes masks and thermal temperature checks will be mandatory to gain entry into our events and no buffet style food will be provided. Only individually wrapped snacks and individually packaged beverages will be available for our members, models, and staff. Full health and safety updates will always be provided in our guest / model confirmations; please read them completely to ensure that you are fully compliant with our rules.

Currently only a few of the states we do business in have re-opened. As more states we do business in re-open, we'll update our regional members.

Our international regions that are permitted to re-open will be up and running shortly.

Our staff, live-action models (#SOL3SIST3RS) and members have expressed positive feedback to our re-opening in the regions where events are permitted; however, we must remain cautious as we move forward and will be implementing the following in all regions that we have a presence in.

1. Currently we are only permitted to admit 1 dozen guests / members and only 1 dozen models to work our regional events in the states that have re-opened. This number may change per local rules and will be updated by region.

2. Session Cash may not be directly handed to the models. Cash is to be set down on for our Live-Action Model to pick up. We encourage live-action models and members to use cash app, apple pay or other payment apps for folks who wish to use contact-less payment.

3. Hand sanitizers and witch hazel will be readily available throughout the venues, please use them often and after every session.

4. Only 1 on 1 sessions are permitted. Double, triple or any groups sessions are strictly forbidden

5. Security and staff will use thermal scanning devices to take all attendees temperatures. Anyone with a temp. of 100.4 degrees or higher will not be admitted into the event per CDC guidelines. -NO EXCEPTIONS

6. All guests / members, models, and staff will need to sign releases / medical waivers assuming the risks the corona virus / covid19 pandemic poses to the general public -NO EXCEPTIONS If any person refuses to fill out, sign / date the release / medical waiver those persons will not receive a refund nor will they be granted entry into the event. Extra licensed security and staff will be on hand to escort any trouble makers off premises. Anyone who causes any trouble / drama or refuses to sign the required paperwork will be have their membership revoked and will be black listed from attending future events in perpetuity. -A ZERO TOLERANCE policy for non-compliance will be in effect.

7. Face coverings / masks are mandatory upon entry to the venue and during sign-in. They must be worn in the lobby which will be the official waiting area. When not in session; face coverings are mandatory throughout the venues, around the food, restrooms and common areas for all guests / members.

8. The live-action models may wear face coverings during sessions if they chose and only the number of available play spaces are the number of sessions that are allowed at any given time and we will ensure that spaces are spread out to meet the 6 feet of separation per CDC guidelines. Guests may only wait for sessions in the lobby / lounge areas not in the vicinity of the food, hallways, common areas or in or near the restrooms.

9. In our “Members Only regions” a QR-Code will be used to coordinate sessions between the live-action modes and members (guests) and no more than 4 to 6 sessions will be allowed at a time per the square footage separation rules currently mandated in Ohio and Colorado.

10. Currently there will be no self-serve / buffet style food. Only individually wrapped snacks and water bottles +cans or bottles of cola and diet cola will be provided. Per local rules in most states that have re-opened bringing your own food and drinks is not permitted. For the time being at KlubThirty3 events, bringing outside food and drinks will remain strictly forbidden

Take personal responsibility and do not attend our events if you have any illnesses or if you simply feel under the weather!